Monday, August 29, 2011

Personality Test Fun

I was bored today and decided to try out a personality test to see where I would be pigeon-holed. The test I took was the Humanmetrics test based on the Briggs Myers and Carl Jung typology. So, after 72 questions I am a ENFJ. What is that? Well they break it down for you;

Strength of Preferences %
Extroverted: 11
Intuitive: 50
Feeling: 62
Judging: 56

Now personally I disagree with the assessment of my personality. I am much more of an extrovert than I tested and less judgemental for sure. The jobs this assessment would play we with was shocking for me as I wouldn't want to do any of them; Teacher, Counsellor, Social Worker, Doctor, Politics, Fashion Merchandiser (maybe that one) and my personal favorite; Computer programmer (HA!). I really think I may need to retake this. One sec...

Okay, I retook the test and really tried to answer honestly and I am still a ENFJ!!! My numerical scores changed however.  

Strength of Preferences %
Extroverted: 22
Intuitive: 38
Feeling: 62
Judging: 33

I think that is a bit better, still not keen on the career prospects they put me in but it was fun. What did you guys get?

1 comment:

  1. Here is what I got: ISFJ

    Introverted: 78
    Sensing: 25
    Feeling: 50
    Judging: 44
