Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Park Time Fun, Run Sara Run!

The weather today was fantastic, so we went to the park with some of my favorite mamas. We ate lunch and let the kids play for hours, gossiped, drank coffee and talked about babies and pregnancy. I played on the dome climber at the park and swung off of it from my knees; I felt like a child again, so fun.

A while back my sister-in-law Shannon asked if Sam and I would like to participate in the "Turkey-Trot" aka Oly Trot. It is a 5k that is on Thanksgiving Day here in Olympia. The track is around Capitol Lake and up around my hubby's work, then back down; I know the area quite well. So, here is the thing; I don't run. I have always wanted to be a runner, but I hate really avoided it at all costs. Now I am thinking I want to do it, which means training time...lots of running. 

Tonight I went for my first run since God knows when, it went something like this; I walked to the back road of our housing development, then I started to run. I was thinking, " Wow, this isn't so bad Sara" then, "What the heck is this taste in my mouth?" to, "Omg I can't breath" and then, " My legs are going to break off if I run anymore." Then I would walk for a few minutes and start that process all over again. 

On my last leg of the run it turned into, "Just make it to the tree" then once I hit the tree, "Now the mailbox" and, " Just make it to the front door." Finally I was home. I did it!! I feel like doo doo but I DID IT!!!! I am going to go again tomorrow and hopefully be able to run a bit more. We will see how this goes and maybe I will do the 5k.

1 comment:

  1. My journey into fitness started with training for a 5k! And then that turned into mud runs which turned into 10k which evolved into trail races... Needless to say, I think 5k are great.

    When I first started I used resources on Runner's World. They had training plans on there and such. I also hear great things about the "Couch to 5K" Plan:

    Happy Running! And congrats on finishing your run!!
