Tuesday, October 18, 2011

My Baby Is 5!!!!!

I can't believe my little Ethan Samuel is 5 today, it really blows my mind. Looking through old pictures for this blog post made my heart ache, he is growing up so fast. I think watching your children grow is the most wonderful yet heartbreaking thing. I miss the days of bottle feedings, late-night cuddles and the baby words he use to coo, I cherish the new things too; watching him playing with his friends, trying to read words on his own, his passion for all things trains, Star Wars and making people laugh. I love his little personality, he is so sweet, funny, quirky and beautifully unique, I feel so blessed. Happy Birthday my little Ethan-Bear!

1 comment:

  1. Awww. Love the picture trip down memory lane. I forgot how blond Ethan's hair was. My baby nephew is growing into a handsome little boy!
