Thursday, October 6, 2011

Five Reasons I Like Washington Better Than Bakersfield

1. I went to pick up Sam at the Capitol for a lunch date yesterday and in the parking lot we saw a family of 5 deer prancing about and I saw 3 squirrels one of which almost trip a man, mind you the Capitol is in the center of town; you would never see that in the center of Bakersfield.

2. Anywhere and everywhere; there is a great cup of coffee near you, Washingtonians love their coffee like seriously love it.

3. It snows here, not like once every 10 years like Bako, like every winter. (Three different years in the  pictures!)

4. Its beautiful and green everywhere, wild flowers, towering trees, mountains and lakes. I often forget how breath-taking it can be when I am surrounded by it. I suppose Bakersfield has beautiful areas too but in my opinion, it doesn't hold a candle to it in the beauty department.

5. Finally, the community events are amazing for families and its not too hot outside to enjoy them.
I am posting pictures throughout our years here in Washington.


  1. Sounds amazing! I am still cosidering Washington as a career move with State Farm. I need to go check out the area.

  2. Its is really nice. It rains quite a bit but thats why its so green. What part of Wa are you thinking about?

  3. The office is im DuPont so somewhere around that area. I believe olympia is close to it. I luv the rain.

  4. Dupont is like the most quient town in the south sound area. It is so neat. I love it there.
