Thursday, September 29, 2011

My Week So Far...

I haven't done much this week, Monday we had a little storm and Sam was home sick, I started sewing a shirt I am making.

Tuesday; I fell down my staircase for like the 6th time. Almost one year ago I fell down them and broke my ankle so this time I am so glad I just pulled my main thigh muscle. I have been icing it and elevating, I had to skip 2 runs so far and I am feeling much better. I may try to run tonight but take it easy and do just 2 miles.

Wednesday; I took the kids grocery shopping at Walmart with my friend Rachel and her kiddos, taking four children under the age of 5 to Walmart together is always a interesting experience. There was lots of running, yelling and wrestling but I guess that means we had lots of Walmart (crazy I know).

I bought a butternut squash at Safeway the other day and attempted  "squash-potatoes" as a low-carb alternative to the real deal...not great.
So there I am with a boatload of pureed butternut squash, I decided to make a faux-pumpkin pie (low carb) with it. The batter was really yummy but when it baked up, no bueno. It may be the worst pie ever...seriously.

So far this week I have learned a few things; I need a house with no stairs, butternut squash isn't my favorite, Babies really do love to play in boxes and I need a new sewing machine because mine isn't powerful enough and likes to mess up randomly.


  1. :)/ :( / :-/

    They have a good Singer at Costco right now. I am actually thinking about getting it. ♥
